Our services

Meet Nova IMC

Immigration to Quebec made simple

Embark on a hassle-free journey to Quebec with our comprehensive immigration services. Our services include labour market assessments for businesses, immigration representation for job seekers, and assistance with visa programs including local support for those looking to settle in Quebec. Book a consult and we'll navigate your next move in Quebec together.

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Expert Immigration Consultations, Wherever You Are

Our remote and in-person consultations help you avoid the confusion and stress of the immigration process. We help you assess your eligibility for immigration, review your documents, and ensure your application is complete and accurate. Book a consultation today to maximize your chances of success and avoid unnecessary stress.

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Certified Translation and Interpretation

Our certified translation and interpretation services cater to a wide range of needs, from personal documents to business projects. Accepted by immigration authorities and other government agencies, our translations guarantee accuracy and timeliness. Don't let language barriers hold you back - experience seamless communication with our language experts.

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The Nova Way

Active listening, expertise, and sincerity of purpose define our immigration services. We deeply understand the international and Canadian immigration systems and that each client is an individual with their own story and experiences.

That's why we take a personalized approach to immigration by working closely with our clients to understand their individual needs and goals. Our immigration consultants are committed to guiding you towards a high quality of life through our expert knowledge of immigration programs with real-world experience in settling clients. Let us handle the administrative and legal aspects of your immigration process, freeing up your time to focus on other important matters, such as your first day at work or settling into your new home.

Learn about immigration

25 In-Demand Jobs in Quebec: Opportunities for Skilled Immigrants

Are you planning on immigrating to Quebec and seeking a rewarding career in a thriving economy? The province boasts a diverse job market with a high demand for skilled workers in various industries. From healthcare to IT, aerospace to culinary arts, Quebec is a hub of opportunity. In this blog post, we'll explore 25 of the most in-demand occupations in Quebec, detailing the skills needed and their significance to Quebec's...

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Business immigration solutions Business Immigration Solutions: Addressing Labour Shortages and Supporting Foreign Talent Converting Your Canadian Visitor Status to a Work Permit: A Comprehensive Guide
Immigration to Quebec Temporary Residency in Quebec Navigating the Quebec Job Market: Key Visa Options for Job Seekers 25 In-Demand Jobs in Quebec: Opportunities for Skilled Immigrants
Settling in Quebec Settle in Quebec: Navigating Family Sponsorship, Citizenship, and Permanent Residency Opportunities in Quebec
Discover Opportunities in Quebec In-Demand Industries and Benefits for Francophones
Quebec, a dynamic province with a strong economy, is full of opportunities for Francophones. Its predominantly French-speaking population and rich cultural heritage make it an ideal destination for French speakers looking to work, study, or live in Canada. With diverse industries and job opportunities, Quebec has numerous in-demand sectors, such as information technology, health care, engineering, aerospace, construction, agriculture, and transportation.
Our Consultants
All uphold a pledge to provide ethical and reliable immigration services, all of whom are proudly registered with MIFI and RICIC.